IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Contents of the broker PDSE

After you have successfully customized the broker, the broker PDSE members have been set up.

Broker PDSE members originating in <hlq>.SBIPSAMP

The PDSE members are described in the following table.

Description Name
Broker profile BIPBPROF
Broker DB2® dsnaoini file (for databases) BIPDSNAO
Integration server specific profile BIPEPROF

Broker PDSE members originating in <hlq>.SBIPPROC

The PDSE members are described in the following table.

Description Name
Commented sample job to identify WebSphere® MQ resources, including queues for performance tuning purposes BIPALMQ
Job to run the mqsibackupbroker command. BIPBUBK
Job to run the mqsibrowse command. Use this command only at the request of IBM® service. BIPBRWS
Job to run the mqsicacheadmin command BIPCCAD
Job to run the mqsichangebroker command BIPCHBK
Job to run the mqsichangeflowmonitoring command BIPCHME
Job to run the mqsichangeflowstats command BIPCHMS
Job to run the mqsichangeflowuserexits command BIPCHUE
Job to run the mqsichangeproperties command BIPCHPR
Job to run the mqsichangeresourcestats command BIPCHRS
Job to run the mqsicreatebroker command to:
  • Create the WebSphere MQ resources
  • Create the broker registry
Job to run the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command BIPCRCS
Job to run the mqsicreateexecutiongroup command BIPCREG
Job to run the mqsideletebroker command BIPDLBK
Job to run the mqsideleteconfigurableservice command BIPDLCS
Job to run the mqsideleteexecutiongroup command BIPDLEG
Job to run the mqsideploy command BIPDPLY
Edit macro for customization. Rename BIPEDIT to a unique name that identifies it to the current component; for example, MQ01EDBK BIPEDIT (MQP1BRK)
PROC that is called by BIPGEN to convert BIPBPROF, and an integration server specific profile (renamed BIPEPROF), to a valid integration server specific ENVFILE. BIPEGEN
Job to run the mqsiexplain command BIPEXPL
Job to run the mqsiformatlog command BIPFMLG
Job to convert BIPBPROF profile to a valid ENVFILE. BIPGEN
Job to run the mqsilist command BIPLIST
Job to run the mqsimigratecomponents command BIPMGCMP
Job to run the mqsimode command BIPMODE
Job to run the mqsiapplybaroverride command BIPOBAR
Job to run the mqsipackagebar command BIPPACK
Job to run the mqsireadbar command BIPRBAR
Job to run the mqsireadlog command BIPRELG
Job to run the mqsireloadsecurity command BIPRLSEC
Job to run the mqsireportbroker command BIPRPBK
Job to run the mqsireportflowmonitoring command BIPRPME
Job to run the mqsireportflowstats command BIPRPMS
Job to run the mqsireportflowuserexits command BIPRPUE
Job to run the mqsireportproperties command BIPRPPR
Job to run the mqsireportresourcestats command BIPRPRS
Job to run the mqsirestorebroker command. BIPRSBK
Job to run the mqsisetdbparms command to define a data source, user ID, and password for user data sources. BIPSDBP
(started task). Rename BIPBRKP to the same name as the ++STARTEDTASKNAME++. BIPBRKP
Job to run the mqsistartmsgflow command BIPSTMF
Job to run the mqsistopmsgflow command BIPSPMF
Use the standard z/OS® IPCS facilities to create a memory dump. You require access to the following resources:

ae22020_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017