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Message Sets: Logical properties for value constraints for simple type float types

The logical properties for simple type float types.

The simple type value constraint properties described here apply to:

Inclusive Constraints

Property Type Meaning
Min Integer Specify the minimum value for which the data in the message must be greater than, or equal to.

When this value is set, it cannot be equal to, or greater than, the Max Inclusive Constraint property.

You cannot specify both Min Inclusive Constraint and Min Exclusive Constraint properties together for the same simple type.

Max Integer Specify the maximum value for which the data in the message must be less than, or equal to.

When this value is set, it cannot be equal to, or less than, the Min Inclusive Constraint property.

You cannot specify both Max Inclusive Constraint and Max Exclusive Constraint properties together for the same simple type.

Exclusive Constraints

Property Type Meaning
Min Integer Specify the minimum value for which the data in the message must be greater than.

When this value is set it cannot be equal to, or greater than, the Max Inclusive Constraint property.

You cannot specify both Min Inclusive Constraint and Min Exclusive Constraint properties together for the same simple type.

Max Integer Specify the maximum value for which the data in the message must be less than.

When this value is set, it cannot be equal to, or less than, the Min Inclusive Constraint property.

You cannot specify both Max Inclusive Constraint and Max Exclusive Constraint properties together for the same simple type.

Property Type Meaning
White Space Enumerated type Set this property to control the processing of white space characters received for this type.
Select one of the following values:
  • preserve. If you set the property to preserve, all white space characters including carriage return, line feed, and tab are preserved.
  • replace. If you set the property to replace, all carriage return, line feed, and tab characters are replaced with a space character.
  • collapse. If you set the property to collapse, all carriage return, line feed, and tab characters are replaced with a space character. All adjacent white space characters are then collapsed to a single space character, and leading or trailing spaces are stripped from the data.


Property Type Meaning
Enumerations String Set this property to constrain the values to the list that is specified in this property. For example, you might create a simple type called RainbowColors, and add Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet to the enumerations list.

You must ensure that you have all variations of the data that you are likely to receive in the message defined in the list. For example, Yellow, yellow, yel, and y might be variations of a single color.

Select Add to add a default enumeration. Overtype the default with the data you require.

To change an entry, select the entry, and click on the entry a second time (as distinct from double-click). You can now update the selected entry.


Property Type Meaning
Patterns String Patterns are a regular expression, or a series of regular expressions, that are used to constrain the data within the simple type. For further information about patterns and their syntax see Message Sets: Using regular expressions to parse data elements.

Select Add to add a default pattern. Overtype the default with the data you require.

To change an entry, select the entry, and click on the entry a second time (as distinct from double-click). You can now update the selected entry.

ad15720_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017