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Message Sets: TDS Mnemonics

The Tagged/Delimited String Format (TDS) uses mnemonics for a number of properties for a message set, complex type, or both.

These TDS mnemonics and their associated properties are listed in the following table.
Mnemonic string Meaning Default value Associated property
<EDIFACT_CS> Component separator in EDIFACT : Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<EDIFACT_DEC_NOTATION> Decimal notation in EDIFACT . Message set, Decimal Point
<EDIFACT_DS> Data element separator in EDIFACT + Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<EDIFACT_ESC_CHAR> Escape character in EDIFACT ? Message set, Escape Character
<EDIFACT_GROUP_TERM> Tag terminator in EDIFACT ' Message set, Group Terminator
<EDIFACT_TAGDATA_SEP> Tag data separator in EDIFACT

This is overridden with the same value as that which overrides <EDIFACT_DS>

+ Message set and complex type or group, Tag Data Separator
<HL7_CS> Component separator in HL7 ^ Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<HL7_FS> Data element separator in HL7 | Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<HL7_RS> Repeating element delimiter in HL7 ~ Local element and element reference, Repeating Element Delimiter
<HL7_SCS> Sub-component separator in HL7 & Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<X12_CS> Component separator for X12 : Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<X12_DS> Data element separator for X12 * Message set and complex type or group, Delimiter
<X12_ERS> Element repetition separator for X12 { Local element and element reference, Repeating Element Delimiter
<X12_GROUP_TERM> Tag terminator in X12 ! Message set level, Group Terminator

Mnemonics for control characters are shown in the following table.

Mnemonic Hex value Unicode Description
<ACK> X'06' <U+0006> Acknowledge
<BEL> X'07' <U+0007> Bell
<BS> X'08' <U+0008> Backspace
<CAN> X'18' <U+0018> Cancel
<CR> X'0D' <U+000D> Carriage Return
<DC1> X'11' <U+0011> Device Control One
<DC2> X'12' <U+0012> Device Control Two
<DC3> X'13' <U+0013> Device Control Three
<DC4> X'14' <U+0014> Device Control Four
<DLE> X'10' <U+0010> Data Link Escape
<EM> X'19' <U+0019> End of Medium
<ENQ> X'05' <U+0005> Inquiry
<EOT> X'04' <U+0004> End of Transmission
<ESC> X'1B' <U+001B> Escape
<ETB> X'17' <U+0017> End of Transmission Block
<ETX> X'03' <U+0003> End of Text
<FF> X'0C' <U+000C> Form Feed
<FS> X'1C' <U+001C> File Separator
<GS> X'1D' <U+001D> Group Separator
<GT> X'3E' <U+003E> Greater Than
<HT> X'09' <U+0009> Horizontal Tabulation
<LF> X'0A' <U+000A> Line Feed
<LT> X'3C' <U+003C> Less Than
<NAK> X'15' <U+0015> Negative Acknowledge
<NUL> X'00' <U+0000> Null-
<RS> X'1E' <U+001E> Record Separator
<SI> X'0F' <U+000F> Locking Shift Zero (Shift In)
<SO> X'0E' <U+000E> Locking Shift One (Shift Out)
<SOH> X'01' <U+0001> Start of Heading
<SP> X'20' <U+0020> Space
<STX> X'02' <U+0002> Start of Text
<SUB> X'1A' <U+001A> Substitute
<SYN> X'16' <U+0016> Synchronous Idle
<US> X'1F' <U+001F> Unit Separator
<VT> X'0B' <U+000B> Vertical Tabulation

These mnemonics were created for characters that cannot be entered into the message editor.

You can enter a mnemonic in the form <U+NNNN>, where NNNN are hexadecimal digits. None of the characters in this structure are case-sensitive. Do not enclose spaces inside the angle brackets. These numbers represent a Unicode character, not a character in the code page of the input message.

You can enter a mnemonic in the form <0xNN>, where NN are hexadecimal digits. None of the characters in this structure are case-sensitive. Do not enclose spaces inside the angle brackets. These numbers represent a raw hexadecimal byte value, not a character in the code page of the input message.

If a mnemonic is of the form <0xNN>, it is applied directly to the input data, and no code page conversion takes place. Otherwise, a mnemonic is applied to the data after the data has been converted into Unicode from the code page of the input data.

ad09270_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017