IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

How do I deploy and test message flows?

New users: Use this topic to get information about deploying and testing your message flows during development. When you have developed your message flows, message models, and other resources, you are ready to deploy them to a broker.

You can use features provided in the IBM® Integration Toolkit to help you test your message flows. Read How do I deploy and configure message flows? for information about deploying and configuring message flows for use in a production environment.

Before you can deploy and test your message flows, you must create and configure at least one broker.

You can create the Default Configuration to create a broker environment that is suitable for testing message flows during development, see Creating the Default Configuration. You can create the Default Configuration only if you are accessing the information center from the IBM Integration Toolkit or the IBM Integration Explorer.

How do I deploy message flows and related resources?

Use the links in this section to get instructions on how to deploy your message flows, message model schema files, and related resources to a broker. Read Message flow deployment for an overview of the concepts of deployment of message flow resources.

How can I test my message flows?

Use the links in this section provide information about the different features provided in the IBM Integration Toolkit to help you to test your message flows.

aa40160_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017