Resources for the Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 DFDL pattern

Note: You can use the links in this page only when you access the pattern from the Patterns Explorer in the IBM Integration Toolkit.

The Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 DFDL pattern uses a DFDL library to parse, validate and transform HL7 messages.

Set-up IconYou can import the HL7 DFDL libraries by clicking the following links:

Set-up IconYou can import the HL7 test messages and ATNA schemas by clicking the following link:

Set-up IconThe following resources are not required for running instances of the Healthcare: HL7 to HL7 DFDL pattern. If you want to debug the HL7DFDLInput or HL7DFDLOutput nodes, you can import the source code for the nodes by clicking the following link:

Remove IconWhen you finish using the source code resources, delete them from your workspace.

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