Analyzing healthcare data in message flows

Use a IBM® Integration Bus Data Analysis project with a IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack Data Analysis profile to analyze and filter healthcare data that is contained in XML files.

Before you begin

Before you start:

  • Read the information about how to create a Data Analysis project; see Data Analysis perspective in the IBM Integration Bus product documentation.

About this task

You can use IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack Data Analysis profiles to analyze and filter healthcare data from HL7 applications, HL7 CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) documents, HL7 ORU (Observation Result) messages, and DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) images.


  1. Optional: If you are analyzing HL7 CDA documents or HL7 ORU messages, you must configure the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) Terminology Lookup Service in the IBM Integration Bus Glossary Lookup Services by completing the following steps.
    The LOINC Terminology Lookup Service is a glossary of clinical terms that is used to convert the terminology codes that are in the XML files into meaningful text.
    Note: You must configure the LOINC Terminology Lookup Service before you create a HL7 CDA or HL7 ORU Data Analysis project because the terminology codes are only resolved when the source files are first analyzed.
    1. Download the LOINC database in tab-delimited format from the LOINC web site.
      The LOINC database is available in several different formats but you must select the tab-delimited format.
    2. Extract the LOINC database into an appropriate file system directory.
      For example, C:\IBM\MBHealthcare\LOINC.
    3. From the IBM Integration Toolkit menu, click Window > Preferences.
      The Preferences navigator opens.
    4. From the Preferences navigator, click Application Development > Data Analysis > Glossary Lookup Services > LOINC Terminology Lookup Service.
      The LOINC Terminology Lookup Service dialog opens.
    5. Click Browse and select the file system directory in which you extracted the LOINC database.
      For example, C:\IBM\MBHealthcare\LOINC.
    6. Click OK to close the Folder dialog and click OK again to close the Preferences.
    You have configured the LOINC Terminology Lookup Service.
  2. Create a Data Analysis project by completing the following steps.
    1. From the IBM Integration Toolkit menu, click File > New > Data Analysis project
      The New Data Analysis Project dialog opens.
    2. From the Data Analysis Profile drop-down list, select the appropriate profile for the healthcare data you are analyzing.
      IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack includes a number of Data Analysis profiles for analyzing healthcare data. For more information about these profiles, see Healthcare Data Analysis profiles.
      • Select HL7 v2 (ORU) if you are analyzing HL7 ORU messages.
      • Select HL7 v2 if you are analyzing other HL7 messages.
      • Select DICOM if you are analyzing DICOM XML messages.
      • Select HL7 CDA if you are analyzing HL7 CDA documents.
    3. Click Finish.
    Your Data Analysis project is created and the Data Analysis Project Overview editor is open in the editor area.
  3. Complete your Data Analysis project. See Data Analysis perspective in the IBM Integration Bus product documentation


You have completed your Data Analysis project.