Troubleshooting a message map

Diagnose and solve problems that you encounter when you use message maps.


  • In the IBM® Integration Toolkit, you can use the Flow exerciser to check the input message that you pass to a map. You can also check the output message of a map after the transformation logic is applied.
    The Flow exerciser is a tool that is available from the flow editor and the integration service editor. You can use the Flow exerciser to perform the following set of tasks:
    1. Deploy the resource to an integration server and set the integration server to recording mode.
    2. Create and send an input message or previously saved recorded message to the input node of the message flow.
      Note: You can also send messages to the message flow by using an external client.
    3. Highlight the message path on the message flow and any subflows that are associated with the message flow.
    4. Display the content of the logical message tree for a message that passed through a connection in the message flow.
    5. Save the content of the logical message tree as a recorded message that you can send to the message flow later.

    For more information, see Testing your message flow by using the Flow exerciser.

  • In the development environment, you have different ways to access an error or warning that occurs in a map.
    1. In the Problems view, you can double-click a problem or warning. Then, in most cases, the Graphical Data Mapping editor opens and navigates to the transform with the error or warning.
      Note: Sometimes the error is nested deep inside other mappings so it is hard to locate. Double-clicking the error that shows in the Problems view takes you to the transform with the error quickly.
    2. In the Graphical Data Mapping editor, you can see an error or a warning as an icon (or marker) associated with the transform where the problem or warning occurs in your map. You can hover over the icon to show the message.

      When an error or warning is present in a nested mapping, the Graphical Data Mapping editor shows the icon on the parent transform.

  • During deployment, you cannot add a message map with an Error marker to a BAR file until the errors are resolved.

    For more information, see Deploying message maps.

  • In the run time environment, you can use a user trace to troubleshoot transformation logic that you build in your message map. The Mapping node reports the running of a message map as detailed user trace events.

    The user trace events report the entry and completion of each transform in a map, and the setting of values in the map output.

    The collection and review of IBM Integration Bus user trace enables you to troubleshoot transformation logic that you build in your message maps.