Choosing the location of a user-defined node in the palette

Use the Palette editor to edit palette-specific information for user-defined nodes, add and delete separators, and rearrange user-defined nodes in the palette.

About this task

  • If you change the details for a user-defined node in the Palette editor, save the changes before you add or remove another user-defined node or the changed details will be lost.
  • Do not confuse the Palette editor and Customize functions:
    Palette editor
    The Palette editor is started from the Navigator when you select a user-defined node project or the user-defined node virtual folder. The Palette editor is used to set the category, node names, and icons that you want to export so that the user can see the modified node.
    Customize action
    The Customize action is started from the palette in the Message Flow editor when you select a node. The Customize action is used to change the way that the nodes are displayed in the workspace of the current user.


  1. To open the Palette editor use one of the following options:
    • In the Application Development view, under the user-defined node project, select User Defined Nodes, click Edit and Arrange Palette.
    • In the Application Development view, in the Other Resources folder of the user-defined node project, right-click palette.xmi. Click Open With and select Palette Editor.
  2. To edit palette-specific information:
    1. In the left side of the Palette editor under the Category folder, click the user-defined node that you want to edit. The details about the user-defined node are displayed in the right side of the Palette editor.
    2. You can change the details in the Display Name, Tooltip on palette, and Node Icons fields, but you cannot change the Node Implementation section.
    3. You can change the category by selecting the Category folder on the left side of the Palette editor, and on the right side either choose an existing category, or rename your own category.
  3. To group the user-defined nodes you can add or delete a separator:
    • To add a separator in a user-defined node:
      1. In the left side of the Palette editor, right-click the node.
      2. Select Add Separator Below. A separator is added below the node in the left side of the Palette editor.
    • To delete a separator:
      1. In the left side of the Palette editor, right-click Separator.
      2. Click Delete Separator.
  4. To rearrange your user-defined nodes, in the left side of the Palette editor either drag the node to its new position, or right-click the node and select Move Up or Move Down.