Recording and replaying data by using a custom integration application

You can create custom integration applications to examine and replay the data that you have recorded and stored by using record and replay.

Before you begin

Read the concept topic Record and replay.

About this task

The DataCaptureProxy class programmatically represents the recorded data. For more information about where the DataCaptureProxy is located in the IBM® Integration API class hierarchy, see Navigating integration node and integration node resources in a custom integration application. Retrieved data is contained in DataCaptureEntry objects.

For further information about these objects and how to use them, see the IBM Integration API information.

The following example shows how to retrieve data from an integration server by using the DataCaptureProxy API.
BrokerProxy bp = null;
try {
    bp = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance("WEB");
    ExecutionGroupProxy eg = bp.getExecutionGroupByName("default");
    Properties newFilterProps = new Properties();
    newFilterProps.setProperty(DataCaptureEntry.PROPERTY_BROKER_NAME, "WEB");
    DataCaptureEntry filterMessage = new DataCaptureEntry(newFilterProps);
    DataCaptureProxy dcp = eg.getDataCapture("MYDATA", filterMessage);
    String output = dcp.getDataCaptureEntryAsXml(1);
    System.out.println("XML output: "+output);

    int messNo = 0;
    Enumeration <DataCaptureEntry> dceE = dcp.elements();
    while (dceE.hasMoreElements()) {
        DataCaptureEntry dce = dceE.nextElement();
        System.out.print("\nMessage: "+messNo++); 
        Properties props = dce.getAllProperties();         
        String[] columns = dce.getPropertyNames();         
        for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
          System.out.print("\nProperty: "+columns[i]+ " Value: "+props.getProperty(columns[i]));         
} catch (ConfigManagerProxyLoggedException e) {
} catch (ConfigManagerProxyPropertyNotInitializedException e) {
} finally {
    if(bp != null) {

The following example shows how to replay data.

 BrokerProxy brokerProxy = null;
 try {
     // DataCaptureStore containing message to replay
     String dataCaptureStore = "MyStore";

     // ID of message to replay
     String replayMsgId = "0123456789ABCDEF";

     // DataDestination to replay message to
     String dataDestination = "ReplayDestination";

     // EG to replay
     String replayEG = "MyExecutionGroupName";

     Properties dataCaptureProps = new Properties();

     // Set the message to replay
     dataCaptureProps.setProperty(DataCaptureEntry.PROPERTY_WMBMSG_KEY, replayMsgId);

     // Set the destination to replay to
     dataCaptureProps.setProperty(AttributeConstants.DATACAPTURE_REPLAY, dataDestination);

     DataCaptureEntry dataCaptureEntry = new DataCaptureEntry(dataCaptureProps );

     brokerProxy = WebAdminBrokerProxy.getLocalInstance("IBNODE");
     ExecutionGroupProxy egProxy = brokerProxy.getExecutionGroupByName(replayEG);

     // Submit request to EG to actually do replay
     DataCaptureProxy dataCaptureProxy = egProxy.getDataCapture(dataCaptureStore, dataCaptureEntry);

     String responseBody = dataCaptureProxy.getDataCaptureEntryAsXml(1);

} catch (Exception e) {
     // TODO: Handle Exception
} finally {
     if (brokerProxy != null) {