Resolving problems that occur after deployment of message flows

Use the advice given here to help you to resolve common problems that can arise after deploying message flows or message sets.

You receive exception ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2042' ('MQRC_OBJECT_IN_USE')


  • Scenario: This exception message occurs when the following conditions are met:
    1. You have a message flow containing a SOAPRequest node that is using the JMS Transport.
    2. The message flow has additional instances defined, and is running under load.
    3. You are using the WebSphere® MQ JMS provider.
    4. You have not specified a reply-to destination, and so are using JMS temporary dynamic queues.
  • Explanation: If you do not specify a reply-to destination, and you are using the WebSphere MQ JMS provider in a message flow with additional instances, you must configure JMS temporary dynamic queues before deploying your message flow.
  • Solution: Complete the steps in the topic Configuring JMS temporary dynamic queues for the WebSphere MQ JMS provider.

Your XSLTransform node does not work after deployment

About this task

Two scenarios explain why your XSLTransform node might not work after deployment:

Error messages are displayed indicating that the style sheets were not found


  • Scenario: Error messages are displayed indicating that the style sheets were not found.
  • Explanation: This error message is displayed if the integration node cannot find the style sheets or XML files required, or if the content of a style sheet or XML file is damaged and therefore no longer usable. This error message can happen if a file system failure occurs during a deployment.
  • Solution: If the style sheets or XML files are damaged, redeploy the damaged style sheets or XML files.

What to do next

You get unexpected transformation results

  • Scenario: You get unexpected transformation results.
  • Explanation: For complex message flows, incompatibility might arise among style sheets and XML files after a deployment. The two typical reasons for this error are:
    • Only part of the cooperating style sheets or XML files are deployed and updated (a file system failure could cause this failure).
    • Multiple XSLTransform nodes that are running inside the same integration server are supposed to use compatible style sheets, but are using different versions to process the same incoming message.
  • Solution: If only part of the cooperating style sheets or XML files are deployed and updated, resolve all incompatibility by redeploying the compatible versions. To avoid multiple XSLTransform nodes using different versions of the style sheet, pause relevant message flows in the target integration server before performing the deployment, then restart the flows.