Resolving appearance problems when developing message flows

This topic contains advice for dealing with some common appearance problems that can arise when developing message flows:

The task list does not update when you make corrections to your files


  • Scenario: The task list does not update any modifications that you make to an ESQL or mapping file. You have made corrections to the files, and while there are no error flags in the file or file icon, the error remains as a task list item.
  • Solution: To work around this problem, set the following environment variable:

You rename a flow that contains errors, but the task list entries remain


  • Scenario: When you rename a message flow in the IBM® Integration Toolkit for which there are error icons (red crosses) displayed on nodes and connections, those error icons are removed when changes are made. However, the task list entries remain.
  • Solution: Refresh the Message Flow editor by closing and reopening it.

Terminals on a subflow get out of sync as changes are made


  • Scenario: You have a message flow that contains subflow nodes. The name or number of terminals on the subflow gets out of sync when changes are made on the subflow itself. The same problem can happen with promoted properties.
  • Solution: Refresh the Message Flow editor by closing and reopening it. Close the Message Flow editor that contains subflows while the subflows are being changed.