Are there any error messages or return codes that explain the problem?

You can find details of error messages and return codes in several places.


  • BIP messages and reason codes

    IBM® Integration Bus error messages have the prefix BIP. If you receive any messages with this prefix (for example, in the UNIX, Linux®, or z/OS® syslog), you can search for them in the product documentation for an explanation. You can also view the full content of a BIP message by using the mqsiexplain command. For more information, see mqsiexplain command.

    Windows platformIn the Windows Event log, references to BIP messages are identified by the source name "WebSphere® Integration node v6000", where v6000 can be replaced by a number representing the exact service level of your installation, for example 6001.

    IBM Integration Bus messages that have a mixture of identifiers such as BIPmsgs, BIPv700, BIPv610, BIPv500, WMQIv210, MQSIv202, and MQSIv201 indicate a mixed installation, which does not work properly.

  • Other messages

    For messages with a different prefix, such as AMQ or CSQ for WebSphere MQ, or SQL for IBM DB2®, see the appropriate messages and codes documentation for a suggested course of action to help resolve the problem.

    Messages that are associated with the startup of IBM Integration Bus, or were issued while the system was running before the error occurred, might indicate a system problem that prevented your application from running successfully.

    A large or complex IBM Integration Bus integration node environment might require some additional configuration of the environment beyond what is recommended in Installing and uninstalling complementary products. The need for such configuration changes is typically indicated by warning or error messages that are logged by the various components, including WebSphere MQ, the databases, and the operating system. These messages are normally accompanied by a suggested user response.