
This function is very similar to cciServiceTrace with the only difference being that the entry is written to service trace only when service trace is active at debug level.


void cciServiceDebugTrace(
  int*           returnCode,
  CciObject*     object,
  const char*    traceText


Receives the return code from the function (output). A NULL pointer input signifies that the user-defined node does not want to deal with errors. Any exceptions thrown during the execution of this call will be re-thrown to the next upstream node in the flow. If input is not NULL, output will signify the success status of the call. If an exception occurs during execution, *returnCode will be set to CCI_EXCEPTION on output. A call to CciGetLastExceptionData will provide details of the exception.
object (input)
The address of the object that is to be associated with the trace entry (input). This object can be a CciNode* or a CciParser*. If it is a CciNode*, the name of that node is written to trace. If it is a CciParser*, the name of the node that created the parser is written to trace. This object is also used to determine if the entry should be written to trace. The entry is only written if trace is active for the node. Currently nodes inherit their trace setting from the message flow.
If this parameter is NULL, the trace level for the integration server is returned.
traceText (input)
A string of characters that ends with NULL (input). This string will be written to service trace and provides an easy way to correlate trace entries with paths through the source code. For example, there could be several paths through the code that result in the same message (messageSource and messageNumber) being written to trace. traceText can be used to distinguish between these different paths. That is, the traceText string will be a static literal string in the source and therefore the same string will be in both the source code file and the formatted trace file.
This string must be in ISO-8859-1 (ibm-819) code page for user-defined extensions running on distributed platforms and must be in EBCDIC (1047) for user-defined extensions running on Z/OS See NLS section.

Return values

None. If an error occurs, the returnCode parameter indicates the reason for the error.