Examples: Displaying properties associated with integration node components

See examples that use the mqsireportproperties command to display properties that are associated with integration node components.

Always enter the command on a single line. In some examples, a line break has been added to enhance readability.

The following examples include the -b parameter to specify the component to view.

  • Check if the integration node listener is active for deployed HTTP and SOAP nodes in one or more integration servers:
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n startListener
  • Display the properties for the cache manager:
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b cachemanager -o CacheManager -r
  • Display all the current HTTPListener settings associated with HTTP and SOAP nodes (defined in the httplistener component):
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -a
  • Display the HTTPSConnector port setting for the HTTP nodes (defined in the httplistener component):
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPSConnector -n port
  • Display the current configuration for an event publication. The example event type belongs to the OperationalEvents event group, and uses WebSphere® MQ as the transport protocol:
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQ 
    -n enabled
  • Display the HTTPSConnector settings associated with the webadmin component:
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -b webadmin -o HTTPSConnector -r