mqsireportdbparms command

Use the mqsireportdbparms command to list all parameters that are set for a specific integration node.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux® and UNIX systems
  • z/OS®. Run this command by customizing and submitting BIPSDBP.


You can use the mqsireportdbparms command to identify if parameters are set on an integration node. If security credentials are set for the integration node, you can check that a password that is associated with a user ID is what you expect by entering a password. The command returns if the input password is correct or not.

mqsireportdbparms can list the set parameters for integration nodes that use the following resources:

  • A CICSConnection configurable service
  • A data source name (DSN) that is accessed from a message flow
  • An EmailServer configurable service
  • An FtpServer configurable service
  • An IMSConnect configurable service
  • A JDBCProvider configurable service
  • A JMS or JNDI resource, for example a JMSProviders configurable service
  • Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) client credentials for SOAPRequest nodes with a WS-Security policy set and bindings that specify Kerberos
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) bind credentials for the integration node security manager
  • An SMTP configurable service
  • The integration node keystore password
  • An account name, with a user name and password, for the WebSphere® Adapters
  • A secured WebSphere MQ queue manager
  • An MQTT server that requires a user name and password
  • A Kafka cluster that requires a user ID and password
  • A WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) configurable service
  • A WXSServer configurable service
  • SOAPRequest nodes
  • SalesforceRequest nodes
  • LoopBackRequest nodes
  • AppConnectRESTRequest nodes
  • RESTRequest and RESTAsyncRequest nodes.

You can run the mqsireportdbparms command while the integration node is running. If you changed a property for a resource on an integration node that is currently running, then the latest value is reported by the command with a warning to confirm that the change will not be in effect until the integration node is next restarted.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsireportdbparmsintegrationNodeName-nResourceName-uUserId-pPassword-iSSHIdentityFile-rPassphrase---


All parameters can be set by using the mqsisetdbparms command. For more information, see mqsisetdbparms command.


Checking whether there are security credentials associated with resources

The following example shows how to check all the security credentials that have been set for any resources on the integration node:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n * 
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
mqsireportdbparms TESTNODE_mysystem -n *
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'jdbc::JDBC' has userID 'dbaccess'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'kafka::KAFKA::integrationServer1' has userID 'kafkasrv1acc'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'ldap::LDAP' has userID 'ldapaccess'
BIP8180I: The Resource name '' has userID 'ldapd2acc'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::othermq' has userID 'remmqacc'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::QMGR::MQMV8' has userID 'mq8acc'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mqtt::pubsubDefault' has userID 'mqttacc'

BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
The following example shows how to check the security credentials that have been set for MQ connections:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n mq::* 
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::othermq' has userID 'remmqacc'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::QMGR::MQMV8' has userID 'mq8acc'
The following example shows how to check whether security credentials are associated with a specified WebSphere MQ queue manager (MQ8):
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n mq::QMGR::MQ8 
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::QMGR::MQ8' has userID 'user001'
BIP8071I: Successful command completion
The following example shows how to check whether security credentials are associated with any WebSphere MQ queue managers:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n mq::QMGR::* 
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'mq::QMGR::MQ8' has userID 'user001'
BIP8071I: Successful command completion
The following example shows how to check the security credentials that have been set for connections to a Kafka cluster:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n kafka::KAFKA::* 
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'kakfa::KAKFA::integrationServer1' has userID 'kafka1'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'kakfa::KAKFA::integrationServer2' has userID 'kafka2'
BIP8180I: The Resource name 'kakfa::KAKFA::integrationServer3' has userID 'kafka3'
The following example shows the use of the command to see whether there are associated security credentials with a specific resource:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n  ftp::server

The command returns any associated security credentials for the specified resource. If no credentials are set, then a warning is displayed.

You can also check whether security credentials are associated with any resources of a specific type:
mqsireportdbparms integrationNodeName -n ftp

The command returns if any of the resources of that type have associated security credentials. If no credentials are set, then a warning is displayed.

Testing if a password for a resource is associated with a specific integration node

The following examples show the use of the command to test if a password is associated with a specific resource.

If you are testing a connected SFTP resource:

mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n SFTP::server -u user_id -i SSH_identity -r password
If you are testing a connected data source (that is not SFTP):
mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n userdb -u user_id -p password

where userdb represents the connected resource, user_id represents the user ID and password represents the password that is being tested for the resource.

The command returns if the password is correct or incorrect, and if the password was changed since the integration node was last started.

The following example shows how to check the client identity (consumer key) and client secret (consumer secret) that are used by myUserID for connecting to Salesforce, and also shows whether the specified password is correct:
mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n salesforce::securityIdentity1 -u myUserID -p password
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The resource name 'salesforce::securityIdentity1' has userID 'myUserID'.
BIP8209I: The resource name 'salesforce::securityIdentity1' has client identity 'identity1'.
BIP8210I: The resource name 'salesforce::securityIdentity1' has client secret 'secret1'.
BIP8201I: The password you entered, 'password' for resource 'salesforce::securityIdentity1' and userId 'myUserID' is correct.
BIP8206I: The Integration node is not running and may not have been restarted since the last change made by the mqsisetdbparms command.

BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
The following example shows how to check the client identity and client secret that are used by myUserID for connecting to a LoopBack® application, and also shows whether the specified password is correct:
mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n loopback::securityIdentity1 -u myUserID -p password
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The resource name 'loopback::securityIdentity1' has userID 'myUserID'.
BIP8209I: The resource name 'loopback::securityIdentity1' has client identity 'identity1'.
BIP8210I: The resource name 'loopback::securityIdentity1' has client secret 'secret1'.
BIP8201I: The password you entered, 'password' for resource 'loopback::securityIdentity1' and userId 'myUserID' is correct.
BIP8206I: The integration node is not running and may not have been restarted since the last change made by the mqsisetdbparms command.

BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
The following example shows how to check whether the password used to connect to a Kafka cluster is correct:
mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n kafka::KAFKA::integrationServer1 -u myKafkaUserID1 -p myKafkaPassword
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
BIP8180I: The resource name 'kafka::KAFKA::integrationServer1' has userID 'myKafkaUserID1'. 
BIP8201I: The password you entered, 'myKafkaPassword' for resource 'kafka::KAFKA::integrationServer1' and userId 'myKafkaUserID1' is correct.
The following example shows how to report a single security identity for HTTP Basic Authentication and an API key for use with a RESTRequest node or an AppConnectRESTRequest node:
mqsireportdbparms IBNODE -n rest::myBasicAuthAndApiKey
The command returns output similar to that shown in the following example:
$ mqsireportdbparms IB10NODE -n rest::myBasicAuthAndApiKey
BIP8180I: The resource name 'rest::myBasicAuthAndApiKey' has userID 'myUserID'.
BIP8214I: The resource name 'rest::myBasicAuthAndApiKey' has API key 'C664C588-885A-4F07-9390-9CD7A4F8A89F'. 
For more information about connecting to secured REST APIs, see Configuring security credentials for connecting to a REST API.