ESQL FLOAT data type

The FLOAT data type holds a 64-bit, base 2, fraction and exponent approximation to a real number. This gives a range of values between +-1.7E-308 and +- 1.7E+308.

Float literals consist of an unquoted string of digits and either a decimal point (for example 123.4) or an exponent (for example 123e4) or both (for example 123.4e5) . They are of type FLOAT if they are small enough to be represented as floats. Otherwise they are of type DECIMAL


When you CAST a FLOAT to an INTEGER, either implicitly or explicitly, the FLOAT is truncated; that is, the numbers after the decimal point are removed and no rounding occurs.

When you CAST a FLOAT to a DECIMAL or CHARACTER, either implicitly or explicitly, the FLOAT can be rounded to a maximum precision of 15 digits.