ROW constructor function

ROW constructor is a complex function used to explicitly generate rows of values that can be assigned to fields in an output message.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramROW (<< , <<expressionASfieldreference)

A ROW consists of a sequence of named values. When assigned to a field reference it creates that sequence of named values as child fields of the referenced field. A ROW cannot be assigned to an array field reference.


Example 1

SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.Data = ROW('granary' AS bread,
	                       'riesling' AS wine,
	                       'stilton' AS cheese);

Example 2

Given the following XML input message body:
the following ESQL:
SET OutputRoot.XMLNS.Data = ROW(,
					       AS vin,
                  					(InputBody.Proof.gin * 2) AS special); 
produces the following result:
Because the values in this case are derived from field references that already have names, it is not necessary to explicitly provide a name for each element of the row, but you might choose to do so.