Testing your message flow by using the flow debugger

Use the tasks described in this section of the documentation to manage and work with the flow debugger.

Before you begin

If you are new to debugging, see: Flow debugger overview.

Deploy your message flow to an integration server in an integration node and make sure that the integration node is running. See: Deployment rules and guidelines.

About this task

To debug a message flow, perform the following tasks. You might want to vary the tasks that you perform and repeat certain tasks, depending on your particular debugging requirements. If your message flow contains WebSphere® Adapters nodes, also see Debugging message flows that contain WebSphere Adapters nodes.


  1. Start the flow debugger.

    Set the required preferences, then start debugging by attaching the flow debugger to an integration server. You can then send test messages along the flow. See: Starting the Flow debugger.

    Note: It is not possible to use the Flow debugger with the Flow Exerciser. When you use the Flow debugger, you must use a third-party tool or the Test Client to send a message to the flow; see Test Client. If your integration server is in recording mode, you must stop recording mode before you can launch the Flow debugger.
  2. Work with breakpoints.

    Add and manipulate breakpoints in your message flow. See: Working with breakpoints in the flow debugger.

  3. Follow the progress of a test message.

    Use breakpoints to pause the progress of a test message so that you can observe its behavior. See: Stepping through message flow instances in the debugger.

  4. View message data.

    View (and change) data in messages, ESQL code, or Java™ code as debugging progresses. See: Debugging data.

  5. Manage message flows.

    During a debugging session, there are various administrative tasks you might need to do. When you have finished debugging, detach the debugger from the integration server. See: Managing flows and flow instances during debugging.