Managing integration nodes by using a custom integration application

Manage the integration nodes and their resources by using a custom integration application.

Before you begin

Before you start this task, you must complete the task, Connecting to an integration node from a custom integration application.

About this task

Use the IBM Integration API to change the state of objects in the domain; you can create, delete, modify, and deploy objects that are stored within it. The following example sets the long description field of the integration node:


public class SetLongDescription {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BrokerProxy b = null;
    try {
      BrokerConnectionParameters bcp =
         new IntegrationNodeConnectionParameters(
      b = BrokerProxy.getInstance(bcp);
      b.setLongDescription("this is my integration node");
    } catch (ConfigManagerProxyException cmpex) {
      System.out.println("Error connecting: "+cmpex);

The integration node processes requests to change properties from the IBM Integration API asynchronously, therefore if your application calls getLongDescription() immediately following the call to setLongDescription(), the response might return the old value of the property. For more information, see Checking the results of integration node management with the most recent completion code by using a custom integration application.

What to do next

Most state-changing IBM Integration API methods return control immediately without informing the calling application of the outcome of the request. To discover this information, see Checking the results of integration node management by using a custom integration application.