Checking available disk space on z/OS

The installation of IBM® Integration Bus for z/OS® uses approximately 400 MB of disk space; plan on using 500 MB to allow for the component directories, and for new service fixes to be applied.

When you apply service, if you do not replace your existing installation (for example, you apply the new fix pack level alongside your existing installation), you must plan the same amount of disk space for the higher service level libraries.

If you are transferring the files by using tar to package them, you need approximately 200 MB of space for the .tar file.

You can check how much space is used and how much is free in a file system by using the OMVS command:
 df -P /pathname
100 MB is 3 276 800 512 byte sectors.

For the Component directory, a minimum of 1 GB disk space is required for most normal configurations. However, 5-10 GB disk space is recommended to provide for large configurations, and to ensure that there is enough space for collecting diagnostics. For information on the disk space required, see IBM Integration Bus system requirements.

The Component directory and the Started task user ID home directory must be separate to ensure that, when dumps are taken in the Started task user ID home directory, they do not cause problems with the runtime integration node that still has to write to the Component directory.