Message model objects: simple types

A simple type is an abstract definition of an item of data such as a number, a string, or a date.

The purpose of a simple type is to define the content of one or more simple elements. Simple types (and any elements that are based on simple types) cannot contain attributes or child elements. Simple types stand in contrast to complex types, which define the structure of an element, but typically do not define any simple data.

Global and local simple types

Simple types can be global or local. A global simple type can be used as the basis for more than one element. It must be given a unique name by which it can be referenced. A local simple type is associated with a single element, and is not available for reuse elsewhere in the message model. Local types do not have a name and are sometimes referred to as anonymous types.

Variations of simple types


XML Schema defines many simple types for you to use, covering all the standard data types such as strings, integers, decimals, and floats.


You can define your own simple types by deriving from another simple type (the base type) by restriction. A restriction type can have value constraints applied to it.

A restriction type can derive from a built-in simple type or a restriction simple type.


For XML messages only, a list type is a way of rendering a repeating simple value in XML. The notation is more compact than the notation for a repeating element, and offers a way to have multi-valued attributes.

A list type can be based on a union type (introduced later in this section). This can describe a space-separated list of items in which each item can be based on any of the simple types in the union.

A list of lists is not legal. The item type of a list cannot be a list itself, or derived at any level from another list type.

A list type can have the facets of minLength, maxLength, and length applied to it. These facets restrict the number of items in the list. To restrict the values of each item in the list, facets must be applied to the item type and not to the list itself. The message definition editor provides additional support for enumeration and pattern facets directly on a List type, to enable the import of any schema that uses them, but issues a warning that enumeration and pattern facets are ignored by the integration node.


A union type is a union of two or more other simple types.

A union type enables a value to conform to any one of several different simple types. The simple types that comprise a union type are known as its member types. There is no upper limit on how many member types can exist, but there must be at least one. A member type can be defined as a built-in simple type, a user defined simple type, or a local simple type defined anonymously within the union type.

A union type can also include list, union, and restricted simple types, among its members.

Value constraints

Value constraints are known as facets by XML Schema. Any value constraints that are applied to a derived type must further restrict the base type. It is not valid for a derived type to weaken or remove a value constraint that its base type has defined. If no value constraints are applied to the derived type, the derived type is almost identical to its base type, but it is treated as a restriction of the base type in situations where that is relevant (type inheritance and element substitution).