Changing connection details for PeopleSoft adapters

PeopleSoft nodes can get PeopleSoft connection details from either the adapter component or a configurable service. By using configurable services, you can change the connection details for adapters without the need to redeploy the adapters. To pick up new values when a configurable service is created or modified, you must reload the integration node or integration server to which the adapter was deployed, by using the mqsistop and mqsistart commands, or the mqsireload command.

Before you begin

About this task

Use the PeopleSoftConnection configurable service to change connection details for a PeopleSoft adapter. The PeopleSoft node reads all connection properties from the adapter component that it is configured to use. If a configurable service exists that has the same name as the node's adapter component, the node uses the values that are defined in that configurable service to override the corresponding properties from the adapter. If a configurable service is being used, all properties that are exposed by the configurable service are taken from the configurable service. The only properties that are taken from the adapter are those that you cannot set on the configurable service. The properties of the PeopleSoft configurable service are described in Configurable services properties.

Creating, changing, reporting, and deleting configurable services


  • To create a configurable service, use the web user interface or the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command, as shown in the following example.
    This example creates a PeopleSoftConnection configurable service for the PeopleSoft instance that is running on
    mqsicreateconfigurableservice IBNODE -c PeopleSoftConnection -o myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter 
    -n hostName,port -v "",9000
    To pick up the new values in the configurable service, restart the integration server and message flow.
  • To change a configurable service, use the web user interface or the mqsichangeproperties command, as shown in the following example.
    This example changes the connections that are used by the adapter myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter. After you run this command, all adapters connect to the production system ( instead of the test system (
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c PeopleSoftConnection -o myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter -n hostName 
    -v ""
    To pick up the updated values in the configurable service, restart the integration server and message flow.
  • To display all PeopleSoftConnection configurable services, use the web user interface or the mqsireportproperties command, as shown in the following example:
    mqsireportproperties IBNODE -c PeopleSoftConnection -o AllReportableEntityNames -r
  • To delete a configurable service that you created, use the web user interface or the mqsideleteconfigurableservice command, as shown in the following example:
    mqsideleteconfigurableservice IBNODE -c PeopleSoftConnection -o myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter
    You can delete only configurable services that you created; you cannot delete IBM® predefined configurable service templates.