Reconfiguring from IBM HTTP Server Response Time module to Packet Analyzer

You might want to change your monitoring environment from IBM HTTP Server Response Time module to Packet Analyzer.


  1. Uninstall the HTTP Server agent
    1. Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf by commenting the Response Time plugin line. For example
      #include /opt/ibm/apm/agent/tmp/khu/khu.etc.httpd.conf.httpd.conf
    2. Uninstall the HTTP Server agent. For example
      /opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin/ uninstall
    3. Open a new command prompt window to clean the system variate before reconfiguring the Response Time agent in the next step.
  2. Open the following file
    • Linux or AIXinstall_dir/config/hostname_t5.cfg
      Where install_dir is /opt/ibm/apm/agent
    • Windowsinstall_dir\TMAITM6_x64\hostname_t5.cfg
      where install_dir is C:\IBM\APM
  3. Set the parameters as follows:
  4. Reconfigure the agent as follows:
    re-agent.bat config  install_dir\samples\rt_silent_config.txt