Configuring the Tomcat agent on Linux systems

You run the configuration script and respond to prompts to configure the Tomcat agent on Linux systems.

Before you begin

  • JMX Remote is enabled for the Tomcat Server. For details, see Enabling JMX Remote.
  • The Tomcat Server is up and running.


  1. Run the following command:
    install_dir/bin/ config instance_name
    Where instance_name is the name that you want to give to the instance.
  2. When you are prompted to specify a value for SERVER, specify a unique name to identify the Tomcat Server that is being monitored, and press Enter.
  3. When you are prompted to specify a value for Java home, press Enter to accept the default location where the Java™ virtual machine is installed. The default location is /opt/ibm/apm/agent/JRE/lx8266/jre. If the agent is not installed in the default directory, specify install_dir/JRE/lx8266/jre.
  4. When you are prompted to specify a value for JMX user ID, specify the ID of the user who connects to the Tomcat MBean server. If the JMX authorization is not enabled, press Enter.
  5. When you are prompted to specify a value for JMX password, specify the password of the JMX user and confirm it. If JMX authorization is not enabled, press Enter.
  6. When you are prompted to specify a value for JMX service URL, press Enter to accept the default URL or specify another service URL for connecting to the Tomcat MBean server.
    The format of the URL is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host_name:port_number/jmxrmi. The default URL is valid when the server runs on the local host and uses the 8686 port as a JMX port. You can modify the host name and the port in the URL, keeping the same format.
  7. When you are prompted to specify a value for Data Collector Configuration, specify 1 and press Enter to enable collection of transaction tracking and deep dive data.
  8. Run the following command to start the agent:
    install_dir/bin/ start instance_name
  9. Enable the collection of Transaction Tracking and Deep Dive data, restart the Tomcat Server.

What to do next

Log in to the Cloud APM console to view data that is collected by the agent in the dashboards. For information about using the Cloud APM console, see Starting the Cloud APM console.