Granting permissions

You must grant permissions to the user ID that is used to monitor the Sybase server.

Before you begin

Install the Sybase agent.

You must have the database administrator role to grant permissions.

About this task

The user ID that is used by the monitoring agent must have access to Sybase tables and the installed monitor tables.

You can perform the following tasks:
  • Create a user ID for the monitoring agent.
  • Grant permission to the new user ID and the installed monitor tables.

If you are not running the Sybase agent as root user, make sure that the user ID belongs to the Sybase group and has read-access to the Sybase log files.


  1. Enter the command for the operating system you are using.
    • Windows
      cd install_dir\tmaitm6\SQLLIB
    • UNIX
      cd install_dir/misc
    Where, install_dir is the home directory where the Sybase server is installed.
  2. Use the isql command to log in to the Sybase server as user sa.
  3. Run the following command to configure the ID that is used by the Sybase agent to communicate with Sybase server:
    1>sp_addlogin user_name, password 2>g
    • user_name is the user ID. By default, it is tivoli.

      If the user ID is not tivoli, edit the koygrant.sql file and change the tivoli to the correct user ID.

    • password is the password of the user.
    Location of the koygrant.sql file:
    • Windows \opt\ibm\apm\agent\misc\
    • UNIX /opt/ibm/apm/agent/misc/
  4. Run the following command to grant permission to the tables in the database:
    isql -U sa -P password -S servername -i koygrant_filepathkoygrant.sql
    • password is the password of user sa.
    • servername is the database server name.
    • koygrant_filepath is at the following location:
      • Windows \opt\ibm\apm\agent\misc\
      • UNIX /opt/ibm/apm/agent/misc/
  5. Run the following command to create proxy tables that are used for the installed monitor tables:
    isql -U sa -P password -S servername 
         -i $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/scripts/installmontables
    • password is the password of user sa.
    • servername is the database server name.

What to do next

When the permissions are successfully granted, you can configure the monitoring agent.