Configuring the agent on Linux systems

To configure the agent on Linux operating systems, you must run the script and respond to prompts.

Before you begin

Before you configure the agent, ensure that you complete the following tasks:
  • Review the local environment variables

About this task

The Microsoft SQL Server agent is a multiple instance agent; you must configure and start each agent instance manually.


  1. On the command line, change the path to the agent installation directory.
    cd /opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin
  2. Run the following command where instance_name is the name that you want to give to the instance:
    ./ config instance_name
  3. When the command prompt displays the following message, type 1 and enter:
    Edit ‘Monitoring Agent for MSSQL setting? [1=Yes, 2=No]
  4. Specify values for the configuration parameters when you are prompted.
    For information about the configuration parameters, see Configuration parameters of agent.
  5. Run the following command to start the agent:
    ./ start instance_name
  6. Run the following command to stop the agent:
    ./ stop instance_name