Reference: HTTP Server agent configuration file samples

There are two files involved in the configuration of the HTTP Server agent. They are the HTTP Server agent data collector configuration file and the HTTP server configuration file. A sample for the Instance alias mapping file is also provided to help explain how alias works.

HTTP Server agent data collector file samples

For IBM® HTTP Server version 8 and later, 64-bit, the HTTP Server agent data collector configuration file contains this information:

# Settings for Monitoring Agent for HTTP Server module.

LoadModule khu_module "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/"

<IfModule mod_khu.c>
   KhuShmemPerm 660                                    
   KhuShmemPath "/opt/IBM/IHS/conf/httpd.conf"
   KhuCpsPath "/tmp/ihs/tmp/khu/"

Alias /khu "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc"
<Directory "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc">
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
  #Require all granted

LoadModule wrt_module /tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/
WrtOriginID HU:tivvm09_httpd:HUS

For IBM HTTP Server version 7, 32-bit, the configuration file contains this information:

# Settings for Monitoring Agent for HTTP Server module. 

LoadModule khu_module "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/" 

<IfModule mod_khu.c>
 KhuShmemPerm 660	
 KhuShmemPath "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf"
 KhuCpsPath "/tmp/ihs/tmp/khu/"

Alias /khu "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc"
<Directory "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc">
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
  #Require all granted

LoadModule wrt_module /tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/
WrtOriginID HU:linux_httpd:HUS

For Apache version 2.4, 64-bit, the HTTP Server agent configuration file contains this information:

# Settings for Monitoring Agent for HTTP Server module. 

LoadModule khu_module "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/" 

<IfModule mod_khu.c>
 KhuShmemPerm 660	
 KhuShmemPath "/usr/local/apache24/conf/httpd.conf"

Alias /khu "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc"
<Directory "/tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/etc">
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
  Require all granted

LoadModule wrt_module /tmp/ihs/lx8266/hu/lib/
WrtOriginID HU:linux-tzsi_httpd:HUS

Instance alias mapping file sample

# Monitoring Agent for HTTP Server instance alias mapping
# INSTANCE: auto discovered by agent. Please do NOT modify. 
# ALIAS: alias name for the instance. The name will be displayed in APM UI dashboard. It must be unique 
# among all instances and it must be less than 10 characters and consist of only alphanumeric characters.
