Steps for updating the EAR file

Perform the following steps to update the EAR file

Before you begin

You must have the jar command in your path. If you do not, define the JAVA_HOME variable (you can find its value on the WebSphere administration console) and add the $JAVA_HOME/bin directory to your path. For example:
export JAVA_HOME=/WebSphere/V6R1/AppServer/java
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


  1. (Optional) Set up a directory to use just for updating the EAR file and make this your working directory. For example:
    cd $HOME
    mkdir pkiear
    cd pkiear


  2. Copy the EAR file that you are using to the working directory. The default version shipped with PKI Services is in the file PKIServ.ear in the directory /usr/lpp/pkiserv/pkijsp. For example:
    cp /usr/lpp/pkiserv/pkijsp/PKIServ.ear .


  3. Expand the EAR file using the jar command. For example:
    jar -xvf /usr/lpp/pkiserv/pkijsp/PKIServ.ear


  4. Expand the file PKIServ_Web_war:
    jar -xvf PKIServ_Web.war 


  5. Change to the modifiable include directory:
    cd mod_inc


  6. The JSP files are in ASCII (ISO8859-1 code page). To edit them on z/OS®, you must convert them to EBCDIC. Use iconv to convert a file to EBCDIC. For example, to convert the file footer.jsp to EBCDIC, enter:
    iconv -f iso8859-1 -t ibm-1047 footer.jsp > $HOME/footer.jsp.edit 


  7. Use oedit to edit the edit file that you created:
    oedit $HOME/footer.jsp.edit


  8. Use iconv to convert the edited file back to ASCII. For example:
    iconv -t iso8859-1 -f ibm-1047 $HOME/footer.jsp.edit > footer.jsp 


  9. Go back to the directory containing the WAR and EAR files, and update the WAR file with the edited and reconverted JSP file:
    cd ..
    jar -uvf PKIServ_Web.war mod_inc/footer.jsp


  10. Update the EAR file with the updated WAR file:
    jar -uvf PKIServ.ear PKIServ_Web.war


  11. Make sure the PKIServ.ear file is publicly readable by issuing the chmod command.
    chmod 755 PKIServ.ear



When you are done, you updated the JSP files, and updated the EAR file to include the updated JSP files. You can now deploy your updated EAR file to a WebSphere Application Server.