PKI Services event code

Table 1 describes the SMF80EVT (event code) and SMF80EVQ (event code qualifier) fields for the PKI Services event code. It also lists the SMF80DTP and SMF80DA2 values for the relocate type sections.

Table 1. SMF event code and event code qualifier for PKI Services
Event Dec(Hex) Command Code qualifier Dec(Hex) Description Relocate type sections
79(4F) CRL publication 0(0) Successful publication of revocation information 318, 319, 366, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387
85(55) SUCCRNEW 0(0) Successful AutoRenew 318, 319, 341, 342, 346, 358, 363, 373, 391, 408