Steps for updating the exit routine code sample

To update the exit routine code sample, pkiexit.c, perform the following steps:
  1. Copy the sample exit routine and makefile to the current directory by entering the following commands:
    cp /usr/lpp/pkiserv/samples/pkiexit.c pkiexit.c
    cp /usr/lpp/pkiserv/samples/Makefile.pkiexit Makefile


  2. Compile and link to produce the executable program, pkiexit, by entering the following command:


  3. Move the executable program to its execution directory and set the permissions by entering the following commands:
    mv pkiexit /full-directory-name
    chmod 755 /full-directory-name/pkiexit


  4. Start of changeEdit the web server environment variables to include _PKISERV_EXIT, and set its value to the full path name of the exit program. You may set the environment variable in each of the virtual host configuration files or in the main httpd.conf file with a SetEnv directive. For example, if the exit program is called pkiexit and is in the /usr/local/bin directory, the SetEnv directive would be entered as follows:
    SetEnv    _PKISERV_EXIT   /usr/local/bin/pkiexit
    End of change