Steps for setting the expiration dates for the CA certificate and web server certificate

Perform the following steps to set the expiration dates for the CA certificate and web server certificate in IKYSETUP.


  1. Comment out all instructions in "Part 3, Method 1" of IKYSETUP. These are the instructions that calculate expiration dates by adding the life spans specified in the ca_exyears and web_exyears variables to the date that IKYSETUP runs. You must disable these instructions to set the expiration dates to specific dates. _______________________________________________________________
  2. Remove the comment delimiters from the sample instructions that are listed in "Part 3, Method 2" of IKYSETUP. These are the instructions that set the expiration dates to specific date values. You must enable these instructions.
  3. Change the value of the ca_expires variable to the date when the CA certificate should expire, in the format yyyy/mm/dd. _______________________________________________________________
  4. Change the value of the web_expires variable to the date when the web server certificate should expire, in the format yyyy/mm/dd. Specify a date that is before the date specified by the ca_expires variable. _______________________________________________________________
  5. Save your changes. _______________________________________________________________


When you are done, you have set the CA certificate expiration date and the web server certificate expiration date that takes effect the next time that you run IKYSETUP.