Steps for changing control of access to administration pages

Perform the following steps to change the access control of the administration pages to require authenticating by using a certificate:
  1. Edit the pkiserv.tmpl certificate templates file and find the following lines in the PKISERV APPLICATION section:
    # The following action will force userid/pw authentication for administrators
    <FORM name=admform METHOD=GET ACTION="/PKIServ/ssl-cgi/auth/admmain.rexx">
    # The following action will force client certificate authentication 
    # for administrators
    #<FORM name=admform METHOD=GET
    # ACTION="/PKIServ/clientauth-cgi/auth/admmain.rexx">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Go to Admin Pages">

    The first FORM statement in these lines is active. (It is not commented out with # characters in front of the lines.) This requires authentication by entering the user name and password in a popup window. The second FORM statement is commented out (using # characters). This requires authentication by using a previously issued browser certificate.


  2. Comment out the first FORM statement (add # characters in front of the FORM and ACTION lines) and uncomment the second FORM statement (removing the # characters in front of the FORM and ACTION lines).
