Extending the range of a search with TSOLIB

With the first invocation of TSOLIB, you activate an additional search level and specify a load module library or a list of load module libraries. The specified libraries serve as a task library for further command and program invocations.

The system starts searching an invoked command or program in the task library you have activated. If a command or program is found in the newly activated libraries, it is executed; else the system follows the standard search order as described before.

The extended search order remains intact until one of the following happens:
  • You reset the additional search level.

    The system will use the standard search order.

  • You deactivate the additional search level.

    If you did not stack any previous requests, the system will use the standard search order.

    If a request has been stacked, the previously stacked request becomes active.

  • You logoff from the session.

    After a new logon, the system will use the standard search order.

  • You invoke an application, like ISPF, that places its own task libraries on top of the search order TSOLIB has set up.

    When that application completes, the search order TSOLIB has set up again becomes the top of the search chain.