Specifying an alternate nucleus

Another less common way to change the system at an IPL is to cause the IPL program to read a member of a nucleus data set that is different from IEANUC01, the default nucleus member. One reason for such a nucleus switch may be the need to apply a PTF to the nucleus. You can IPL a secondary (alternate) nucleus by either of the following methods:
  • Editing the alternate nucleus character of the LOAD parameter string before selecting the "initialize SCP" function. Use the system control (SYSCTL) frame of the system console. Modify the last character of the eight-character parameter string to specify the suffix for IEANUC0x. The IPL program retrieves this character from the system console frame and concatenates it as a suffix to IEANUC0 to form the alternate SYS1.NUCLEUS member name.
  • Using the NUCLEUS statement of the LOADxx member to specify the desired alternate IEANUC0x member. See LOADxx (system configuration data sets) for more information.
Note: When you specify an alternate nucleus, the proper architectural extension of the nucleus must also exist. See ARCHLVL for more information about architectural extensions to the nucleus.