Syntax rules for IEFSSNxx

The following rules apply to the creation of IEFSSNxx:
  • Each record in IEFSSNxx defines one and only one subsystem that is to be initialized.
  • Parameters begin with the comma following the init-routine and end with the first blank or comma.
  • Each record in IEFSSNxx is 80 bytes long and has the following format:
  ssname[,init-routine[,parm]][,PRIMARY[,NOSTART]]  comments
The subsystem name. The name can be up to 4 characters long; it must begin with an uppercase alphabetic or national character (#, @, or $), and the remaining characters (if any) can be alphanumeric or national. The name begins with the first non-blank character in the record and continues to the first comma or blank. When a blank follows the name, the system assumes that no initialization routine exists and that only comments (if any) follow.

In general, the subsystem name should be the same as the started procedure name. Some products (such as IMS™ and CICS®), however, require the subsystem name to be different from the started procedure name. For more information, refer to the topic on coding initialization routines for subsystem in z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface and the documentation for the particular product.

The name of the subsystem initialization routine. This name can be 1-8 characters long, and the characters can be alphanumeric or national (#, @, or $). The name begins with the first character following the first comma after “ssname” and continues to the next comma or blank. When a blank follows the name, the system assumes that no initialization routine input parameters are supplied and that only comments (if any) follow.

For information about writing subsystem initialization routines, see z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface.

Input parameters to be passed to the subsystem initialization routine. The input parameters are variable in length for the remainder of the 80-byte record (for a maximum of 60 characters); they begin after the comma that ended the “init-routine” name and end with the first blank. If blanks, commas, or single quotation marks are included in the input parameters, then the entire parm field must be enclosed in single quotation marks. If the parm field is enclosed in single quotation marks, a single quotation mark within the field must be specified as a double quotation mark.
Parameter indicating the primary subsystem name. The primary subsystem is typically a job entry subsystem (either JES2 or JES3). This keyword indicates that the subsystem name (ssname) will be the primary subsystem name. Initialize the primary subsystem before any secondary subsystem(s). If you specify PRIMARY more than once, the system will issue a message.
Parameter indicating that an automatic start is not to be issued. NOSTART indicates that an automatic start of the primary subsystem is not to be issued. NOSTART cannot be used without the PRIMARY parameter.
Comments can be specified after the first blank in the record following the input parameters, or PRIMARY and NOSTART, for as many characters as remain in the 80-byte record.

You can include any number of records in the IEFSSNxx parmlib member.