Syntax and parameters of the DEFAULTCMD statement

The DEFAULTCMD statement specifies the default command that is issued if a CMD action was specified for the address space. The DEFAULTCMD statement has the following syntax form.

DEFAULTCMD 'cmdchr[ASIDchar],cmdtext'

Start of changeThe DEFAULTCMD statement applies to the previously specified msgtype. Although more than one DEFAULTCMD statement can be supplied, only the last statement specified is actually configured for the message type.End of change

An optional single character that can be used later in the cmdtext to indicate where an address space identifier (ASID) should be substituted. ASIDchar must be different than the cmdchr. Only a single substitution is performed. The ASID is provided in printable hexadecimal, suitable for use in the CANCEL command.
A single character that can be used later in the cmdtext to indicate where the jobname should be substituted. Only a single substitution is performed.
Any valid z/OS® or subsystem command. The maximum length is limited to 56 characters.
  1. The DEFAULTCMD specification does not apply to msgtype SPECIFIC.
  2. Your security product might prevent you from issuing the command that you specified on the DEFAULTCMD statement. Because the command is issued from the address space that is causing the flood, the address space causing the flood must be authorized to issue the command. In terms of RACF®, this means that the address space must have sufficient access authority. For example, to issue the MVS™ CANCEL command, UPDATE access authority is required.
Syntax rules:
  • The DEFAULTCMD specification must begin in column 1 and must be separated from the opening quotation mark character of the command specification by a single blank character.
  • The cmdchr character should be chosen so that it does not conflict with any special characters or punctuation characters that are used in the cmdtext.
  • The cmdchr character must not have blank characters either before it or after it.
  • The cmdchr is separated from the cmdtext by a comma. There must be no blank characters on either side of the comma. Message flood automation treats whatever follows the comma as the cmdtext.
  • The cmdtext is any valid z/OS or subsystem command. There is no practical way for message flood automation to check the correctness of this command, so it is important that the command be specified correctly. An improperly specified command results in an error when message flood automation attempts to issue it.

    The cmdtext can include special characters and punctuation characters. If single-quoted characters are used as part of the cmdtext specification, two single-quoted characters must be specified for each desired single-quoted character in the command text that will be used.

  • Comment text can follow the closing quotation mark character. There must be at least one blank character between the quotation mark and the beginning of the comment text. There is no need to preface the comment text with either an asterisk (*) or open comment specification (/*).
Example: :
DEFAULTCMD '#,CANCEL #' z/OS cancel job
DEFAULTCMD '#,*CANCEL,SY1,#' JES3 cancel job
DEFAULTCMD '#,SEND ''# is issuing a lot of messages'',BRDCST'