Statements and parameters for IFGPSEDI

Specifies the name of a data set that should be excluded from enhanced data integrity support. The data set name can either be a discrete name (meaning that the entire data set name is specified) or a partially qualified name. To specify a partially qualified name, use an asterisk, *, or a percent sign, %, anywhere within the data set name.

Specifies the name of a data set that should be excluded from enhanced data integrity support. The data set name can either be a discrete name (meaning that the entire data set name is specified) or a partially qualified name. To specify a partially qualified name, use an asterisk, *, or a percent sign, %, anywhere within the data set name. If two or more consecutive asterisks are specified, they must be immediately preceded by a period or left parenthesis; for example, ex.DSN(**).

Use a percent sign as a generic character for a single position. For example, TEST% would include only names with exactly five characters, such as TESTA, TEST9 or TESTZ.

Use an asterisk as a generic character for zero or more characters. For example, TEST* would include names with only one qualifier such as TEST, TESTX and TEST1000. Use a double asterisk as a generic character for any number of qualifiers. For example, SYS1.** would include a data set name with any number of qualifiers as long as the first qualifier is SYS1 (for example, data sets SYS1.TEST, SYS1.LIST.XP and SYS1.MEMO.EMPL.A would be included).

You can specify any number of data set name parameters. However, a high number of exclusions might affect performance, so you should keep the number to a minimum. By including data set names in the IFGPSEDI exclude list, you exclude all data sets with that same name. There can be multiple data sets on different volumes with the same name that are not SMS-managed. If the name you specify matches a name in the exclude list, then all data sets by that name bypasses EDI processing.

Default: None
Use the MODE parameter to specify how you want the system to handle enhanced data integrity violations.
The system issues an ABEND 213 with reason code FD if an attempt to open a sequential data set that is already open for output occurs.
Ends enhanced data integrity support without having to re-IPL. You can modify IFGPSEDI to specify MODE(DISABLE) and issue the command S IFGEDI.
The system issues a warning message IEC984I or IEC985I if a violation occurs. MODE(WARN) allows processing of the data set to continue if a violation occurs.