LNK={aa             }
    {(,L)           }
This parameter specifies one or more LNKLSTxx parmlib members that list program libraries to be concatenated to SYS1.LINKLIB, thus forming the LNKLST concatenation.

The two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $) represented by aa (or bb, and so on), are appended to LNKLST to identify one or more LNKLSTxx members of parmlib.

If the L option is specified, the names of the data sets that are concatenated to SYS1.LINKLIB are displayed at the operator's console as the data sets are opened.

For information about the LNKLSTxx member, see LNKLSTxx (LNKLST concatenation). You can also use PROGxx to specify the concatenation.

Value range: Any two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $).
Default: LNK=00, causing selection of LNKLST00.
Associated parmlib member: LNKLSTxx