Specifying the master JCL in the MSTJCLxx load module

Take the following steps to specify an alternate version of the master JCL in a MSTJCLxx load module in SYS1.LINKLIB:

  1. Code the master JCL in the alternate data set. Assemble the data set. Then link-edit the data set as a module in SYS1.LINKLIB (or a library concatenated to SYS1.LINKLIB, using a LNKLSTxx or PROGxx member of of the parmlib concatenation).
  2. Code the MSTRJCL=xx system parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member or in response to the SPECIFY SYSTEM PARAMETERS prompt. (See IEASYSxx (system parameter list) for the syntax of the MSTRJCL=xx system parameter.)
  3. Ensure that SYS1.PARMLIB does not contain a MSTJCLxx member that matches the suffix specified on the MSTRJCL=xx system parameter. (If such a member exists, the system uses the master JCL in that member, and does not process the master JCL in the MSTJCLxx load module.)