Statements and parameters for CONFIGxx

Specifies the configuration of the channel paths. The syntax is as follows:
CHP    {xx      }[,ONLINE            ][,STATIC ]
       {(xx-xx) }[                   ][,MANAGED]
       {(list)  }[          [,FORCE]] 
  • xx is one or two hexadecimal digits that identify the channel path identifiers and indicate the different combinations of channel paths.
  • ALL,id specifies all channel paths on the side that is identified by the side identifier (id), which can be either 0 or 1. Use CHP ALL,id only when your system is able to be partitioned.
  • list can be any combination of the elements (except ALL,id) separated by a comma. The list must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • STATIC indicates that the channel path was statically defined to control units in the channel subsystem. (Used for verification only.)
  • MANAGED indicates that the channel path was defined to be managed among control units in the channel subsystem. (Used for verification only.)
    FORCE is a very powerful option. See the CONFIG command in z/OS MVS System Commands.
Example: This example specifies that channel paths 0, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are to be either verified or reconfigured as online, depending on the command issued.
CHP (0,3-5,10,12-15)

For information about generating CONFIGxx statements through the z/OS® Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD), see z/OS HCD User's Guide.

Start of changeCOREEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the configuration for a core. The syntax is as follows:
{CORE } {(x,x[,x]...)} [,ONLINE  [,OFFLINE] [,{STANDARD | ZAAP | ZIIP | ANY}] ]
  • x is a hexadecimal value that specifies the address of the core.
  • STANDARD indicates that the core specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a standard (general purpose) core.
  • ZAAP indicates that the core specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a System z® Application Assist Processor (zAAP) core.
  • ZIIP indicates that the core specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) core.
  • ANY indicates that the core specified to be brought online or offline can be any type of core.
  1. ANY is the default if no core type is specified.
  2. If the processor that is being configured does not match the core type that was specified, the command is rejected, and the system issues message IEE241I with 'PROCESSOR TYPE MISMATCH'.
  3. The CORE parameter is rejected when LOADxx PROCVIEW CPU is in effect. See the LOADxx PROCVIEW CPU parameter in Statements and parameters for LOADxx.
End of change
Specifies the configuration for the processors. The statement can be specified as CPU or CPUAD. The syntax is as follows:
{CPU  }{(x)         } [,ONLINE  [,{STANDARD | ZAAP | ZIIP | ANY}] ]
{CPUAD}{(x,x[,x]...)} [,OFFLINE [,{STANDARD | ZAAP | ZIIP | ANY}] ]
  • x is a hexadecimal value that specifies the address of the processor.
  • STANDARD indicates that the processor specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a standard (general purpose) processor.
  • ZAAP indicates that the processor specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a System z Application Assist Processor (zAAP).
  • ZIIP indicates that the processor specified to be brought online or offline is expected to be a System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP).
  • ANY indicates that the processor specified to be brought online or offline can be any type of processor.
  1. ANY is the default if no processor type is specified.
  2. If the processor being configured does not match the processor type that is specified, the command is rejected, and the system issues message IEE241I with PROCESSOR TYPE MISMATCH.
  3. Start of changeThe CPU/CPUAD parameter is rejected when LOADxx PROCVIEW CORE is in effect. For more information, see the LOADxx PROCVIEW CPU parameter in Statements and parameters for LOADxx. End of change
  4. Start of changeWith LOADxx PROCVIEW CORE,CPU_OK, CPU is accepted and treated as an alias for CORE. For more information, see the LOADxx PROCVIEW CPU parameter in Statements and parameters for LOADxx. End of change
Example: Depending on the command that is issued, this example specifies that the processor addressed by 2 is to be either verified as online or reconfigured online.
Specifies the configuration for devices. The syntax is as follows:
{DEV   } {dev    } [,xx    ] [,ONLINE ]
{DEVICE} {dev-dev} [,(list)] [,OFFLINE]
         {(list) } [,*     ]          
  • dev specifies the device number and reflects the different combinations of devices. Each dev is 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/).
  • list can be any combination of the elements that are separated by a comma. The list must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • xx specifies the channel paths to be used to access the devices.
  • * is used to verify that at least one channel path is online and can access the devices, regardless of which channel path it is.
The system displays a deviation message (IEE097I) for any of the following conditions:
  • If channel paths are specified and all of the specified channel paths to the devices are not online or offline.
  • If * is specified and there is no channel path online to access the devices.
  • If channel paths are not specified and * is not specified and all of the channel paths to the devices are not online or offline.
  • To cause the system to verify that the devices with device numbers 334 and 33A can be accessed through channel path 12, code:
    DEV (334,33A),12,ONLINE
  • To cause the system to verify that the devices with device numbers 340 through 34F can be accessed by all of their associated channel paths, code:
    DEV 340-34F,ONLINE
  • To cause the system to verify that devices 100 and 2000 through 21F0 can each be accessed by channel paths 01, 11, and 21, code:
    DEV (100,2000-21F0),(01,11,21)
    Example: This example assumes the default of ONLINE.
  • To cause the system to verify that devices A451, A453, and A455 can be accessed by at least one channel path, code:
    DEV (A451,A453,A455),*,ONLINE

    The * indicates that it is unimportant which channel paths are used to access the devices.

For information about generating CONFIGxx statements through the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD), see z/OS HCD User's Guide

Specifies the configuration for elements of expanded storage. The syntax is as follows:
ESTOR  {(E=id)       } [,ONLINE ]
       {(ddddM-ddddM)} [,OFFLINE]
  • id is the identifier of a storage element. The identifier can be one to four hexadecimal digits from X'0000' to X'FFFF'.
  • dddd is one to four decimal digits that must be a multiple of 4, followed by an M (megabytes), and cannot exceed a value of 4095. These values are the starting and ending addresses of the section of storage to be verified. You can specify only one range. The starting and ending address must not be the same.
  1. A CONFIGxx parmlib member that contains the ESTOR(ddddM-ddddM) can be used only as the target of a DISPLAY M=CONFIG command. It cannot be used to reconfigure storage.
  2. ESTOR is not supported in the z/Architecture® environment. Its specification is tolerated by CONFIGxx and ignored during IPL.
Example: This example indicates that a section of expanded storage, whose identifier is X'03' is to be either verified or reconfigured as online.
Example: This example indicates that a section of expanded storage (location 0 through location 67,108,864) is to be verified as online.
Specifies the configuration of the PCIE function identifiers (PFIDs). The syntax is as follows: Start of change
PFID   {(xxxx)   }[,ONLINE|ON            ]
       {(list) }
End of change
  • Start of changexxxx is a single PFID. The PFID may have a hexadecimal value from 0 to X'FFFF'.End of change
  • Start of changeaaaa-bbbb is a range of PFIDs. The starting and ending PFIDs may have values from 0 to X'FFFF'. The maximum number of PFIDs that may be specified on a single PFID range is 256.End of change
  • list is one or more single PFIDs, ranges of PFIDs, or a combination of single PFIDs and ranges of PFIDs.
  • ONLINE or ON brings the specified PFID or PFIDs online.
  • OFFLINE or OFF takes the specified PFID or PFIDs offline.
    FORCE is a very powerful option. See the CONFIG command in z/OS MVS System Commands.

For information about generating CONFIGxx statements through the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD), see z/OS HCD User's Guide.

Specifies the configuration for sections of storage. Multiple ranges can be specified. The statement can be specified as STOR or STORAGE. The syntax is as follows:
{STOR   } {dddddddK-dddddddK} [,ONLINE ]
{STORAGE} {xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx} [,OFFLINE]
          {dddddX-dddddX    }
          {(E=id)           }
          {(list)           } 
  • ddddddd is one to seven decimal digits, followed by a K, which are the starting and ending addresses of the section, and cannot exceed a value of 4194303. Each address represents a multiple of 1024 bytes. If necessary, the system rounds the low address down to the next lower 4 K boundary. (This rounding is done to begin and end a section of storage on a 4 K boundary.) The system does not reconfigure a section of storage (in response to a CONFIG command) when the section is specified in this manner.
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is one to sixteen hexadecimal digits that address the first and last bytes of the section. If necessary, the system rounds the low address down to the next lower 4 K boundary. (This rounding is done to begin and end a section of storage on a 4 K boundary.) The system does not reconfigure a section of storage (in response to a CONFIG command) when the section is specified in this manner.
    Note: You can insert underscores in hexadecimal specifications to make them easier to read. Underscores are ignored during processing, and do not count towards the number of digits that are used for the address.
  • ddddd is one to five decimal digits, followed by a multiplier, which are starting and ending addresses of the section, and cannot exceed a value of 16383. The valid multipliers are:
    Megabytes (2**20 bytes)
    Gigabytes (2**30 bytes)
    Terabytes (2**40 bytes)
    Petabytes (2**50 bytes)
    The starting and ending addresses must not be the same.
    Note: You can also specify the addresses in explicit hexadecimal notation (X'xxxxx') followed by a multiplier.
  • E=id specifies a storage element that is identified by the storage element identifier (ID), which is one hexadecimal digit.
  • list can be any combination of the elements (except E=id) separated by a comma. The list must be enclosed in parentheses.
Example: This example indicates that a section of storage (location 8,388,608 through location 33,554,431) is to be verified as online.
STOR 8192K-32768K,ONLINE
Specifies the configuration of the switch ports for Dynamic Channel Path Management. If no SWITCH statement is specified for a switch port, then no verification occurs. The specification is routed to all systems in the logical partition cluster to ensure that all systems run with the same configuration of managed channel paths. The syntax is as follows:
SWITCH    {(ssss[,pp[-pp]])},DCM|,NODCM
          {ALL             } 
  • ssss is the device number of the switch device to be verified.
  • pp[-pp] is the port number or port number list.
  • ALL specifies all switch devices.
  • DCM specifies that Dynamic Channel Path Management is allowed for the subject port.
  • NODCM specifies that Dynamic Channel Path Management is not allowed for the subject port.

For information about generating CONFIGxx statements through the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD), see z/OS HCD User's Guide.

Specifies the configuration for DASD volumes. The statement can be specified as VOL or VOLUME. The device number on which a volume should be mounted can optionally be specified. The syntax is as follows:
{VOL   } {v    }
{VOLUME} {v=dev}
{list  }
  • v is the volume name.
  • dev is the device number and is 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits, optionally preceded by a slash (/). Any digit can be replaced with an X to indicate that the value of that digit is not important. The X and the hexadecimal numbers A, B, C, D, E, and F must be in uppercase.
  • list can be any combination of the elements separated by a comma.
Example: This example specifies that PAGE1 and P00045 are to be verified as mounted. Mount P00045 on a device with a device number in the range 305 through 3F5.
VOL PAGE1,P00045=3X5
Specifying the Parallel Access Volumes (PAV) statement causes the display of a list of all unbound PAV-alias devices. No parameters are specified with the PAV statement. The syntax is as follows: