Syntax rules for CNLcccxx

The following syntax rules apply to the creation of CNLcccxx:
  • Use columns 1 through 71 for data. Columns 72 - 80 are ignored.
  • Specify at least one delimiter (space or comma) between a statement and a keyword. Delimiters are not required between keywords.
  • Comments may appear in columns 1-71 and must begin with "/*" and end with "*/". Comments can span more than one line.
  • The beginning and ending double byte character set (DBCS) delimiters are called shift-out and shift-in characters. In examples, the convention <d1d2> is used to represent DBCS strings enclosed in their shift-out and shift-in characters, where d1 and d2 each represent a DBCS character, < represents X'0E'(shift-in), and > represents X'0F'(shift-out).
  • The following statements are required:
  • The following statements are optional:

    When optional DATE and TIME statements are not specified, the system uses the default date and time from the DEFAULTS statement.