Syntax and parameters for the HARDCOPY statement

                   {(OPERLOG)       }

           ROUTCODE  {(ALL)                  }
                     {(NONE)                 }

           CMDLEVEL  {(NOCMDS)}
                     {(CMDS)  }

           HCFORMAT {(CENTURY)}
                    {(YEAR   )}
HARDCOPY identifies the hardcopy medium, defines the hardcopy message set, defines routing codes for included messages, specifies the kind of messages that are included in the hardcopy data set, or specifies whether hardcopy records should have a 4-digit year, depending on the options specified.
DEVNUM     {(SYSLOG         }
           {(OPERLOG)       }
DEVNUM specifies the output device.

SYSLOG indicates that the system log is to be the hardcopy medium.

OPERLOG indicates that the operations log is activated and receives the hardcopy message set. You can specify OPERLOG alone or with SYSLOG. When you specify OPERLOG with SYSLOG, both OPERLOG and SYSLOG receives the hardcopy message set.

You can specify both subparameters in either order; (OPERLOG,SYSLOG) is equivalent to (SYSLOG,OPERLOG).

Default: The system defaults to SYSLOG as the hardcopy medium in any of the following cases:
  • You do not code a HARDCOPY statement.
  • You specify OPERLOG alone but the operations log is unusable.
ROUTCODE     {(ALL)                  }
             {(NONE)                 }
ROUTCODE specifies the routing codes the system is to use to select messages for the hardcopy message set. At system initialization, processing of the HARDCOPY statement sets up a minimum set of routing codes (1,2,3,4,7,8,10, and 42), in addition to any others specified for the hardcopy message set.

ALL indicates that all routing codes (1-128) are used to select messages for the hardcopy message set.

NONE indicates that no routing codes are used to select messages for the hardcopy message set. It contains the minimum set established at initialization.

nnn is a decimal number 1 - 128. You can specify a range of routing codes by coding an ascending range of numbers. You can separate multiple values with a blank or a comma.

Default: ALL
             {(CMDS)  }
CMDLEVEL specifies the types of commands and command responses that are to be included in the hardcopy message set.
NOCMDS specifies that the system is not to include operator or system commands or their responses in the hardcopy message set unless they meet other criteria, such as routing codes. The system ignores this option and assumes CMDS, unless all of the following conditions are met:
  • The system is a member in a sysplex.
  • Only one console is active on the system and the console is a non-display console, such as a printer.

INCMDS specifies that the system is to include operator and system commands and their responses, excluding any status displays, in the hardcopy message set.

STCMDS or CMDS specifies that the system is to include operator and system commands, their responses, and static status displays in the hardcopy message set. STCMDS and CMDS are equivalent.

Default: CMDS
Specifies the format of the Julian date as it is to appear in the SYSLOG and Master Trace hardcopy records, where:
Indicates that the Julian date is to use the format yyyyddd, showing a 4-digit year and 3-digit day.
Note: If you are using CENTURY, examine programs that use SYSLOG to ensure that they can handle the new 4-digit year format.
Indicates that the Julian date is to use the format yyddd, showing a 2-digit year and 3-digit day.
Default: YEAR