Nesting procedures

The following example shows how procedures can be nested:
   Procedure C:
      //C       PROC
      //CS1     EXEC  PGM=GHI
      //        PEND

   Procedure B:
      //B       PROC
      //BS1     EXEC  PROC=C
      //BS2     EXEC  PGM=DEF
      //        PEND

   Procedure A:
      //A       PROC
      //AS1     EXEC  PROC=B
      //AS2     EXEC  PGM=ABC
      //        PEND

   Job Stream:
      //JOB1    JOB
      //STEP1   EXEC  PROC=A
      //STEP2   EXEC  PGM=JKL
The following statements are equivalent to the nested procedures shown above and show the levels of nesting (scoping) for the procedures.
   //JOB1    JOB                   Level 0
   //CS1     EXEC  PGM=GHI         Level 3
   //BS2     EXEC  PGM=DEF         Level 2
   //AS2     EXEC  PGM=ABC         Level 1
   //STEP2   EXEC  PGM=JKL         Level 0