
If no REGION parameter is specified, the system uses an installation default specified at JES initialization.

If your installation does not change the IBM-supplied default limits in the IEALIMIT or IEFUSI exit routine modules, or Start of changeby using the SMFLIM rules,End of change then specifying various values for the region size has the following results:
  • A value equal to 0K or 0M - gives the job step all the storage available below and above 16 megabytes. The resulting size of the region below and above 16 megabytes depends on system options and what system software is installed. When REGION=0K/0M is specified, the MEMLIMIT is set to NOLIMIT.
    Note: This might cause storage problems. See the Considerations When Using the REGION parameter information for more information.
  • A value greater than 0K or 0M and less than or equal to 16,384K or 16M - establishes the size of the private area below 16 megabytes. If the region size specified is not available below 16 megabytes, the job step abnormally ends with an ABEND822. The extended region size is the default value of 32 megabytes.
  • A value greater than 16,384K or 16M and less than or equal to 32,768K or 32M - gives the job step all the storage available below 16 megabytes. The resulting size of the region below 16 megabytes depends on system options and what system software is installed. The extended region size is the default value of 32 megabytes.
  • A value greater than 32,768K or 32M and less than or equal to 2,096,128K or 2047M - gives the job step all the storage available below 16 megabytes. The resulting size of the region below 16 megabytes depends on system options and what system software is installed. The extended region size is the specified value. If the region size specified is not available above 16 megabytes, the job step receives whatever storage is available above 16 megabytes, up to the requested amount, and the resulting size of the region above 16 megabytes depends on system options and what system software is installed.