Alternative 3 - Add the member and invoke a procedure in another DD concatenation

If you do not plan to define an IEFJOBS concatenation in MSTJCLxx and the procedure DUMPCHK is not in any of the data sets in the IEFPDSI concatenation of MSTJCLxx, create a member to contain the job and add that member to one of the data sets in the IEFPDSI concatenation and place the EXEC statement that will run the existing procedure (contained in the JES PROCLIB) in the JCL. The existing procedure will be invoked just as it was in the past. For example:
//DUMPCHK  JOB  'accounting_info',MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
//         EXEC DUMPCHK
When the START command is issued, MVS™ inserts a JCL SET statement after the JOB statement, resulting in the following JCL:
//DUMPCHK  JOB  'accounting_info',MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
//         EXEC DUMPCHK
Note: This alternative will not work for converting procedures to jobs when the job will run under the MASTER subsystem (SUB=MSTR either explicitly specified on the START command or defaulted to).