Output formatting to any printer

To control the formatting of a printed sysout data set, code combinations of the following:
   In a JES2 or JES3 system:  
        //ddname  DD  SYSOUT=(class,writer-name,form-name),COPIES=number,  
        //         FCB=fcb-name,UCS=character-set-code  
        //name    OUTPUT CONTROL=spacing,COPIES=number,FCB=fcb-name,  
        //         FORMS=form-name,UCS=character-set-code  
   In a JES2 system:  
        //name    OUTPUT LINECT=number  
        //jobname JOB    (,,,,,forms,copies,,linect)  
        /*JOBPARM COPIES=number,FORMS=form-name,LINECT=number  

Most of the formatting parameters can be coded on several statements. If coded more than once for a sysout data set, JES selects one parameter according to override rules and uses it.

Parameters coded on the JOB statement or /*JOBPARM statement apply to all the sysout data sets in the job.

3203 printer model 5 in a JES2 system: JES2 treats the 3203 Model 5 the same as a 3211 Printer with the following exceptions:

For further information on UCS and UCB, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services.

Example 1:
//DD1     DD  SYSOUT=(A,FMS3),COPIES=5,  
//         FCB=IMG7,UCS=AN  
//         FORMS=FMS3,UCS=AN  

Use these parameters in any system.

Example 2:
//J1      JOB    (,,,,,FMS3,5,,60)  

Use these parameters only in a JES2 system.