Return and reason codes

Return Code Reason Code Explanation
00 00000000 Normal completion.
04 10800001 Normal completion. Data was returned, and the buffer is full. There might be additional data to retrieve.
04 10800002 Normal completion. Some data might have been returned in the buffer, and an end-of-data condition was encountered.
08 10800010 The requested CLASS does not exist in the indicated program object. No data was returned.
08 10800011 The requested SECTION does not exist in the indicated program object. The request was rejected.
08 10800061 The third parameter for the GN service must contain EBCDIC 'C' or 'S' in upper or lower case.
08 10800062 No sections were found.
08 10800064 The culist passed to the GC service contained a value which had not been returned by the GN service.
12 10800020 The program object identified by EPTOKEN could not be located in physical storage. The request was rejected.
12 10800021 The specified MEMBER could not be found. The request was rejected.
12 10800022 The buffer provided (AREA) is too small to contain even one record of the specified CLASS. The request was rejected.
12 10800023 A required parameter was omitted or specified as zero.
12 10800024 An incorrect module token (MTOKEN) was provided. The request was rejected.
12 10800025 A buffer (AREA) with a negative length was provided. The request was rejected.
12 10800026 The provided CLASS name is not valid. The request was rejected.
12 10800027 The provided CURSOR value is either negative, or, if this was a first or a subsequent call, it was altered by the caller of the service so that the (new) value was not within the range of records for the SECTION being processed. The request was rejected.
12 10800028 The provided HOLD value is not one of the allowed values: 'Y' or 'N'. The request was rejected.
12 10800029 The program is not a program object, anomalies were found in its structure, or the program is PO1 (program object, version 1) and the program contains overlay structures. The request was rejected.
12 1080002A The program object identified by the EPTOKEN has been updated since it was last fetched. The service cannot process it, since the extracted data would not be the same as the data in physical storage. The request was rejected.
12 1080002B The program object identified by the EPTOKEN was fetched by a product other than DFP and therefore it cannot be processed. The request was rejected.
12 1080002C The data set identified by DDNAME could not be found, or the system service (SVC99) encountered an error while verifying the data set allocation. The request was rejected.
12 1080002D The specified DDNAME did not refer to a program object library. The request was rejected.
12 1080002E An error occurred while trying to open the data set identified by DDNAME. The request was rejected.
12 1080002F The acquisition of working storage was not successful. The request was rejected.
12 10800030 An error was encountered while attempting to verify the provided EPTOKEN. (Service Involved: CSVQUERY). The request was rejected.
12 10800031 An error was encountered while attempting to map the program object onto a data space. The request was rejected.
12 10800032 An error was encountered while attempting to access the directory entry for the program object being processed. (Service Involved: DESERV). The request was rejected.
12 10800036 The supplied DCB, identified by DCBPTR, was not OPENed prior to the service's invocation as required. The request was rejected.
12 10800037 The supplied DCB, identified by DCBPTR, is OPEN but one or both of the pertinent DCB parameters are not DSORG=PO and MACRF=(R), as required. The request was rejected.
12 10800038 The supplied directory entry, identified by DEPTR, does not represent a program object. The request was rejected.
12 10800039 The supplied buffer (AREA) has an incorrect version number in its header, which disagrees with the version of the program object being accessed. For example, the buffer version is 1, but the program object is version 2.
12 1080003A The supplied buffer (AREA) has an incorrect class name in its header, which disagrees with CLASS name passed to the service.
12 1080003B The provided SYSTEMDCB parameter is not one of the allowed values: Y or N, in uppercase or lowercase EBCDIC.
12 1080003D The directory portion of the supplied path name is invalid.
12 1080003F The supplied path name is invalid.
12 10800040 The supplied path name exceeds the acceptable length limit.
12 10800041 Read access error occurred trying to open the file supplied on the PATH parameter.
12 10800042 Read error occurred trying to open the file supplied on the PATH parameter.
12 10800043 The program object is marked not editable. The request was rejected.
12 10800063 Interface value is invalid.
12 10800065 The cursor passed on a GD request for class B_PARTINIT is invalid. The cursor must point to the beginning of a part initializer record.