Generalized object file format (GOFF)

This topic contains general-use programming interface and associated guidance information.

This topic describes the conventions and formats for the generalized object file format (GOFF). The data elements supported by the binder are shown here.

The GOFF record types are essentially identical in concept (and usually, in content) to OBJ (object module) records, but their formats differ in several respects. Migration from OBJ to GOFF formats is discussed in Mapping object formats to GOFF format. In the remainder of this topic, the term OBJ refers to traditional object formats, including the extended object format.

The term "record" is used in two possibly conflicting senses throughout this topic. The first sense is that of one of the GOFF record types, regardless of the number of data management records it may be spread over. The second sense is that of a data management "logical" record, which contains one of the pieces of a continued GOFF record. The correct sense should be clear from the surrounding context.

The term "object file" is used to refer to a collection of GOFF records beginning with a header record and ending with an end record.