__iew_fd_startName() – Starting a session with a DD name or path

Begin inspecting a program object identified either by a path name or by a DDname and member name.


#include <__iew_api.h>
int __iew_fd_startName(_IEWFDContext *__context,
                                        const char *__dd_or_path,
                                        const char *__member);

Parameters Descriptions

FD context is created and returned by calling __iew_fd_open() and is used throughout the open session.
DD name or path name.
member name.

Returned Value

If successful, __iew_fd_startName() returns 0.

If unsuccessful, __iew_fd_startName() returns nonzero.

Note: The returned value is the same as the code returned by a subsequent __iew_fd_get_return_code().

Utilities Functions
