__iew_eod() – Test for end of data

The __iew_eod() function tests whether end of data condition has been set for a series of __iew_getC(), __iew_getD(), __iew_getE() or __iew_getN() calls.


#include <__iew_api.h>
int __iew_eod(_IEWAPIContext *__context,
                           void **__data_entry, 
                           const char *__class);

Parameters Descriptions

API context is created and returned by calling __iew_openW() and is used throughout the open session.
returned buffer – based on class name.
class name (binder-defined class).
Note: Testing end of data condition for __iew_getN() call, specify “B_BNL” as class name.

Returned Value

If successful, __iew_eod() returns 0.

If unsuccessful, __iew_eod() returns nonzero.